Gomti Thapar Hospital


Facilities to stay

We offer you various types of facilities to stay in if you are coming from outside Punjab. You can stay here in the hospital or if you want to go outside then we provide you with a list of hotels. You can choose according to your budget and comfort level.


We additionally offer you a cafeteria facility inside the hospital, serving pure vegetarian food. The hours of our cafeteria are from 7 am to 8 pm. Food parcels can be obtained from 6 pm to 1 am through the parcel dispensing window of the cafeteria.


We have our FDA-approved pharmacy in the hospital which is open 24*7.

Transport Facility

Our hospital is situated on Ferozepur Road which has 10 mins distance from the bus stand. You can easily pick an auto rickshaw or book a cab as per your comfort level.

ATM Facility

You can easily find an ATM facility near the hospital. Additionally, we also have a card swipe machine in our hospital, so you can simply swipe the card and deposit the cost of the treatment.

Well Equipped ICU

Intensive Care Units are highly specialized patient areas designated solely for those with serious medical conditions who need round-the-clock medical supervision. To protect patient privacy and medical safety, the ICU features separate spaces for each patient. Our hospital’s ICU is equipped with oxygen cylinders, an IV saline facility, a blood transfusion facility, a heart activity monitor, and other essential equipment for important medical monitoring.

Modular OT

The goal of a modular operation theatre is to maximise efficiency, accuracy, and safety for the entire operating crew. Removing squandered time and resources is intended to improve patient outcomes and streamline the workflow.


Depending on their insurance coverage and the service provider, patients might opt to submit a cashless insurance claim or a reimbursement claim. For further information regarding filing insurance claims, patients can contact our office
Gomti Thapar Hospital will help you by having the claim handled by the insurance companies if you are listed by one of the insurance companies for medical services. For your convenience, Gomti Thapar Hospital has partnered with the following insurance providers:
  • Star Health Insurance
  • ECHS
  • ICICI Lambard
  • Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna (PM Jay)