Endometriosis Treatment in Moga
What is Endometriosis?
It is a common condition that can arise in women in their reproductive age. In this condition, the internal lining of the uterine cavity, called the endometrium, starts growing outside the uterus. The growth can detect in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel, and pelvic tissue lining. Though the reasons for the condition are unknown, it reports in many females. One can avail of Endometriosis Treatment in Moga.
Endometriosis and its effect on fertility
The lining of the uterus forms every month for preparing the uterus for pregnancy. This lining sheds when the woman fails to conceive. It comes out in the form of menstrual blood. If the woman is suffering from endometriosis, the bleeding does not exit and starts penetrating other organs like tubes, ovaries, or the peritoneal cavity. The immune system treats it as a wound, which results in the formation of a scar. The scarring causes adhesions and pain during menstruation. If the tube is damaged in the process, it might result in infertility. Around 5- 10 % of women suffer from this condition and it is a common cause of infertility. Endometriosis Treatment is available at many clinics. Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometriosis Treatment is another relevant treatment option.
Causes of Endometriosis?
The causes are unknown but certain factors are known to contribute:
- Hormones: The hormone estrogen, which is present in females, is known to promote Endometriosis.
- Genetics: If your mother or sister suffered from it, you will probably suffer from it. It may pass from generation to generation.
- Menstrual Period Issues: In some women, the problem of backward period flow will notice, which means the tissue supposed to sheds outside flows backwards via fallopian tubes into the pelvis.
- Environmental Exposures–exposure to industrial chemicals: Compounds before taking birth, then she might suffer from the condition. Early onset of the menstrual period (before the age of 11yrs). Heavy menstrual period characterizes by a longer duration compared to 5 days also happen during this period.
Symptoms of Endometriosis
- Abnormally Heavy menstrual periods
- Pain in the Pelvis and lower back
- Constipation, bloating, diarrhoea, urinary problems
- Bleeding in the urine or stool
- Nausea
- Pain during sexual intercourse
Endometriosis and IVF Success Rate
Endometriosis casts an unfavourable impact on the process of IVF. The egg count and quality show deterioration, thereby decreasing the chances of implantation and pregnancy. However, IVF can help patients with endometriosis to conceive. Endometriosis Treatment in Moga is possible with IVF.
It is a condition in which the endometrium breaks through the uterus wall. It can lead to bloating, heavy periods, pressure in the lower abdomen, and cramps during menstruation. The condition might exist in various areas of the uterus or concentrated in one spot. It can lead to loss of pregnancy and failure of implantation.
Who suffers from adenomyosis?
This condition observes in middle-aged women. Women who had prior surgery in their uterus might also experience this condition. The condition can treat using injections and hormone protocols. Surgical treatment is also available like:
- Adenomyomectomy
- Excision surgery
- In extreme cases, surrogacy can recommend.
Endometriosis treatment and IVF
IVF holds the solution to the condition. In the process, the retrieved from the body of the female, and the sperm extracts from the male. Both entities fuse in a petri dish in a lab. The eggs hopefully fuse with the sperms and form embryos. The embryos allow developing for 3-5 days. The best of them implants into the uterus of the woman. If successful implantation and pregnancy follow, it leads to the successful birth of a baby.