Urine Problem Treatment in Punjab
What is Urethral Strictures?
The urethra is the connecting structure between the bladder and the penis. The narrowing of the urethra is known as Urethral Stricture. When scarring around the urethra narrows down the passageway of the urine, it is known as urethral stricture. It generally causes due to infection, injury, or inflammation. The condition affects much more men than women. The scarring may be visible anywhere between the bladder and the penis tip. It causes reduced urine flow and increases the urge to frequently urinate. The stricture can lead to UTI, urinary retention, and damage to the kidneys. Urine Problems treatment can easily avail in Punjab.
The inflammation or injury, which leads to the formation of a scar is known to be the most probable cause of Urethral Stricture. The male urinary system is made up of the urethra and urinary bladder. The urine passes through the urethra before it expels. The membranous urethra has a muscle that controls the mechanism through which we can hold urine. A stricture in this area occurs due to some injury in the form of a fracture or accident.
Falling may result in structures in the pelvic area. Strictures could also cause due to the placement of a catheter or an endoscope in the area. The placement of a foreign body can also cause strictures. Sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhoea or chlamydia can also cause this condition. Surgeries for kidney stone removal or reconstruction of congenital anomalies in children can also cause the condition. In some cases, the cause of the condition might not be obvious. Treatment of urine problems can perform at various clinics. The scar tissue causes the narrowing of the urethra, which leads to difficulty in the passage of urine. The stricture may occur soon after the injury or might take several years to show up after the injury.
Symptoms of Urethral Stricture
Urethral strictures often result in urinary discomfort like a slow stream, spraying of the stream, inability to empty the bladder, reduced urine output, and pain during urination. The condition might result in frequent UTIs and blood may also show up in the urine.
The condition may diagnose using tests such as a urinalysis, urine cultures, and uroflowmetry (a measurement of the flow from the bladder). The post-void residual study is an ultrasound in which the amount left is after a normal void measure.
Treatment Options
The retrograde urethrogram and antegrade urethrogram are the two imaging techniques which uses to determine the length, severity, and position of the stricture. The treatment is based on the conclusion made by these tests.
The treatment process includes gradual stretching.
It involves cutting the stricture with a laser or a knife with a cystoscope.
Anastomotic Urethroplasty
It is the surgical removal of structures and the reconstruction of the area with the help of grafts. Which treatment option will be used will depend on the severity of the condition. If the condition is minor and the chances of complication are low, then it is best to leave the condition as it is. But in case the condition is moderate or severe, the patient should go for minimally invasive or surgical treatment.